Best Partnering

Asigra Cloud Backup Enables Service Provider to Recover Thousands of Files Affected by Ransomware in 7 Minutes

I recently had the opportunity to speak with AssureStor a UK-based Managed Service Provider about their experience using Asigra Cloud Backup™ to deliver a secure cloud backup service to SMBs and Enterprises - in particular how their cloud backup service is helping organizations battle ransomware attacks. As more and more organizations are being affected by Cryptolocker, Crytowall, and other forms of ransomware backup is saving the day.

Hypervisor Introspection: Fighting APTs in Business Environment – Part 1

Recent cybersecurity incidents have left organizations and companies struggling to implement the necessary resources to minimize IT risks, regardless of how much security budgets have increased. More than 71 percent of organizations fear zero-day attacks and strongly believe they’re the most serious threats, and over 74 percent believe that it’s likely and very likely that their organization will be hit by an APT (Advanced Persistent Threat).

Survey: Security Business Ripe For Solution, Service Providers

Lots To Talk About With Security

It wasn’t all that long ago when an information security strategy centered on firewalls and anti-virus software. But that’s so last decade.

Security has become more complicated, especially with the rise of ransomware, cyber threats from just about anywhere in the world, and the risks that can come with “bring your own device” policies.
