Q&A With Peak 10's Chris Downie On Recurring Revenue And Growth

You have data centers in many areas that have been growing over the past 20 years, such as the Southeast from the Carolinas down to Florida. What's working for you in places like Louisville and Cincinnati?

Capacity itself is critically important; making sure that you have capacity to meet customer growth, because I'd say almost all of our customers are expanding in their requirements. So, it's not necessarily super useful for a customer that’s got growing requirements to be constrained by their environments. We're always … looking out to making sure that we have the runway for their growth.

The other thing that’s benefited Peak 10 is that we've tended to go deep and wide in our markets versus racing across the country to put a whole bunch of dots on the map. We've invested in multiple facilities for multiple expansions within a given region, which I think has helped build a brand that people can trust and that we've invested in not only a facility but in a market itself.