Articles from Best Sales (trending on the web)

Don’t Answer Objections, Isolate Them

Don’t Answer Objections, Isolate Them
by Mike Brooks, Mr. Inside Sales
Most sales reps hate getting objections. Their hearts sink into their stomachs, their palms start to sweat, and they start wondering how they're going to pay the rent. Sound familiar? 
When sales reps ask me how they should handle objections, they are often surprised by my answer. I tell them they shouldn’t answer them, they should isolate them. When they look confused, I explain: 

It’s All About Building Trust x 3

It’s All About Building Trust x 3
By Richard F. Libin, President, APB
Trust is one of the most important and fragile of human emotions. And, it is essential to almost every aspect of our lives that require relationships. In business, it is critical that customers trust that the person, the product, and the business they are dealing with will be honest, reliable and authentic. Lack of trust or trust that has been broken, always leads to one place: lost relationships and sales.
Before customers purchase, they must trust three things:
The product

Live Webinar: The Importance of A/B Testing in Email Marketing

A/B testing is a powerful tool that many email marketers have yet to take advantage of. We want to help you fully understand what it is and how powerful it can be for you and your business. Join us on Thursday, September 28th at 1pm EST. We will equip you with everything you need to know to begin a/b testing your emails and show you how to create and implement successful a/b tests for your upcoming email campaigns. In this session we will also teach you: • Why you need to a/b test your email campaigns • How to get started • When to stop a/b testing • And much more! 

The 5 Secrets of Motivating Your Sales Team

The 5 Secrets of Motivating Your Sales Team
by Mike Brooks,
Having trouble motivating your team? You’re not alone. 
Every member of your team has different skill levels, interest levels, and different ways of learning. Because of this, not everyone will respond the same way to your methods of managing and motivating, and that means you need different ways of motivating, mentoring, counseling, or even some babysitting.  Sound familiar? 

How to Increase Your Closing Percentage

How to Increase Your Closing Percentage
by Mike Brooks, Mr. Inside Sales
Let me ask you a question: Do all of your leads end up buying?
Of course not.
Next question: Out of ten leads that you set up to pitch a demo to, how many of those ten end up buying?
If you said “two” then you are at the industry average. Now consider what that really means: It means that out of ten closes you attempt, eight are not going to buy!

New Leads Not Calling You Back?

“We follow up on new leads that register for a free trial of our SaaS and I’m having a hard time getting them to call or email me back. I would expect that if the leads were cold but these are warm leads (hand raisers). Are we just getting bad leads?”

Success Is Your Choice

Success Is Your Choice
By Richard F. Libin, President, APB, Inc.,
Nike had it right when they coined the slogan, “Just Do It.” And if people today simply focused on just doing the best job possible, client loyalty would never be in question. Like New England Patriots’ coach Bill Belichick said, “Just do your job - well.” Yet every day, people don’t deliver. Why? Often it comes down to attitude.
