Best Business

Cloud use increases attack surface up to 100-fold; companies fail to keep up with flood of threats

Companies’ attackable surface area has increased by a factor of two to 100 times as CIOs have started migrating corporate information from traditional data centers to a cloud infrastructure, boosting server workloads, according to a recent research.

3 Ways To Generate Ideas By Building Teams And Embracing Failure

In the highly volatile, disruptive world of information technology, solution providers need to be prepared to think freely and quickly to respond to changing conditions in their markets.

Daron Roberts has personal experience at that in finding his career path.

While on track to graduate from Harvard Law School a decade ago, he was ready to go to work – as a volunteer on the coaching staff of the NFL's Kansas City Chiefs.

Analyst: Midmarket Firms Want More IT, But Face Budget Limits

(NOTE: This story was originally posted to earlier today, Sept. 19.)

Many mid-market information technology initiatives may be the same as those of larger enterprises, but since midmarket IT directors must deal with more limited resources, they need to spend their budgeted dollars wisely.

Partner Profile: Solution Provider Makes Charity Part Of His Mission

When he launched his own company 19 years ago, Guy Baroan also wanted to give back to his community.

Today, his commitment to philanthropic causes has given Baroan (pictured), founder and president of solution provider Baroan Tech, of Elmwood Park, N.J., a chance to help others and cultivate a tighter relationship with his community, as well as other solution providers.

“Early on it was a bit difficult. It was tough to be able to donate my time,” he said.
