Q&A With Leap The Pond CEO: Here's Why We're Growing

Do you have a lot of early-stage companies that are just getting off the ground and don't have the time to focus on back-office stuff?

We work with a good number [of them.] … The most important message that we can get out to those folks is to put the foundation in right when they get started. Unfortunately, too many of them don’t think about that. When you don’t have any revenue and you don’t have a lot of expenses, you just sort of say "OK, I'll just create my chart of accounts as time goes on and sort of figure out what my reporting needs to be as time goes on." Life is a whole lot easier for these companies when they put that foundation in from the very beginning and they don’t have to start replacing their accounting systems when they're actually successful.

I wish we had a lot more, but a lot of them just sort of diminish the importance of doing it right from the very beginning and that’s certainly something that we're on a mission to try to change.