Q&A With Leap The Pond CEO: Here's Why We're Growing

Is all this kind of revolutionary for your SMB customers?

I would say about 50 percent of our customers have outgrown QuickBooks. When they're coming off QuickBooks, I would say that the answer to your question … is an emphatic yes. If they're coming off a legacy application [such as ERP], it's not as revolutionary. However, … almost every prospect that we talk to, the kind of reporting that I just described is very, very difficult for them to accomplish. Whether it's because they're exporting stuff out of QuickBooks into Excel or whether or not the report-writing capabilities of their legacy applications are just not up to par. So they might be relying on a report writer to be able to sort of get [that] kind of information … So, … having it in real time on a dashboard in a variety of different formats within a single application, yeah, that’s pretty dramatic for these folks.