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It’s time for IT infrastructures built for cloud, data and engagement

Almost 90 percent of large organizations believe that IT infrastructure enables business strategy and drives business results. While most organizations today maintain their own set of tools and skills to keep IT infrastructure up and running, others need technology partners to deal with the pressure of driving down escalating maintenance and administration costs.

Goodwill South Florida Protects its Data from Hurricane Threats with Asigra Cloud Backup

After years of backing up their data using a tape-based solution, Goodwill South Florida learned the hard way that they would have to replace their outdated solution with something better and more secure. With the continuous threat of hurricanes and catastrophic weather, Goodwill selected cloud backup and recovery services powered by Asigra from Yotta280.

The Appeal of Data Protection-as-a-Service For Enterprise IT

I recently came across a quarterly publication of Asian Scientist, that reported how nanotechnology is reinventing medicine (Asian Scientist, Vol. 1, Issue 3, July – September 2014). The rise of the nanorobots has huge implications to our battle against many diseases. For those familiar with nanorobots, they are like drones locking onto the bad cells such as cancerous cells and releasing drugs to kill them off while sparing the healthy ones. Therefore legacy treatments will need to be re-evaluated.

HealthSpot Kiosks Powered by Dell Create New Model for Access to Healthcare

So begins the story of serendipity and listening with an ear to solve problems -- not just sell things -- that evolved into an end-to-end relationship between Dell and HealthSpot the Consumer Electronics Association’s Small Business of the Year 2014, soon to be seen in Rite Aid stores.

Create Value with an IT Business Credential

The Better Business Bureau is the most recognized accreditation in North America. When an informed consumer sees the BBB logo on a front door, it typically gives them a sense of security, knowing the company has made a commitment to uphold certain standards. Meeting specific accreditation criteria should be achievable for most well-managed organizations and gaining the endorsement of a respected industry association can be invaluable to your business.

Here's How IT Companies Can Build A Social Media Presence

If social media isn't yet the most prominent way for the channel to communicate and stay informed, the day is certainly coming.

Still, for the uninitiated, jumping into the world of status updates, tweets and selfies can seem daunting. On one hand, social media is great for building brand awareness. On the other, users tend to be turned off by overt social media advertising.
