Want To Win At IoT? Here Are 10 Steps To A Successful Practice

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Leverage Your Relationship With Customers To Deploy IoT Solution

After building out an IoT strategy and practice, solution providers will be prepared to take the first step and work with customers to deploy their first IoT solutions.

New Signature made its foray into IoT by helping The Hershey Company wire its existing production equipment. The company helped Hershey save hundreds of thousands of dollars, decrease waste, and create a leaner operation through connecting its infrastructure so that popular candy – such as licorice – could be tracked digitally for weight and other factors along every stage of production and packaging.

Sturdy Networks worked in the medical vertical, a market in which it already had many customers, to digitize an arthroscopic camera used in the operating room. Where doctors once had to print images from the camera and copy them to a USB stick, Sturdy Networks automated the process by sending the images and video from procedures to the cloud. They were then available on mobile apps for doctors to annotate or edit.