Q&A With Deloitte's Stephen Keathley: Mid-Market Surges Ahead With IT Innovation

How does this impact technology solution and service providers (such as Deloitte) when it comes to selling to mid-market companies? (Part 1 of 2)

I think there are a couple of things that we can see … one is these middle-market companies are willing to pilot something if they can get in and get the support they need to do the pilot quickly and cheaply and prove it out. … [If] you're selling to these middle-market companies and you're selling new capabilities and new technologies … it's important to recognize that the way in the door is to support the initial pilot, not to try to get the big sale right off the bat. Support what they're trying to do, make them successful and then that gets you the credibility you need to continue to sell into that company and then to expand the footprint.