Case Study: SD-WAN Helps Investment Firm Accelerate Decision-Making

What were one or two tactical changes Wunderlich was able to make with the SD-WAN solution?

One of the things is that they weren't really using VoIP. And with this solution, we actually provided a lot of the VoIP integration [with the company's PBX]. So what we've done is provide them with an IT [primary rate interface and] enabled their PBX with voice services. From that perspective, we were able to provide [them with] significant savings.

[With bandwidth], they were going out and buying more [multi-protocol label switching, or MPLS.] And MPLS, as we know, is very expensive. They also needed to upgrade their networking equipment because the hardware that they had was pretty outdated. … So, we essentially prevented [Wunderlich] from spending thousands of dollars on buying new hardware and deployed our SD-WAN solution, which has the edge device [with] a built-in switch, a built-in router [and a] small Wi-Fi [access point]. It's essentially a small device that kind of collapses many other devices into one.