Four Tips For Capturing A Larger Share Of The Disaster Recovery As A Service Market

Ensure rapid and reliable scalability without adding more products
In attracting more mid-market customers, it’s highly likely you will have to support a wider range of customer needs for scalability. This can easily lead to adding different solutions for each customer profile under your portfolio—a recipe for operational disaster. Supporting multiple products quickly becomes very costly, requiring considerable effort to maintain training certifications and multiple technology partner relationships. Too many product options also add complexity to the sales cycle, slowing revenue realization and cash flow. Consequently, it makes sense to adopt data protection solutions that cover the entire spectrum of mid-market customer growth needs. This ensures consistency in business operations and enables optimal use of in-house resources. Seek a unified approach that provides functionality which scales from a single VM or appliance, to hundreds of VMs, physical servers and multiple apps, up to thousands of VMs in highly complex enterprise environments.