Three Ways Solution Providers Can Shape IoT Projects

Effective Planning Is 'Critical' For Partners

Effective planning is critical for the success of the Internet of Things in enterprises, according to Vodafone. Sixty-eight 68 percent of adopters who responded to the survey said they set “clear targets” for their IoT projects, and top performers were more likely to do so.

Eflanbaum said it’s important for solution providers to pinpoint various stages of planning for customers, particularly because businesses need to navigate which platforms and technology to use and deploy.

“When it comes to IoT, it’s a weird, emerging, crowded space right now. Businesses are trying to figure out what platforms to use, how to use them and where IoT best fits in their operations,” he said. “With so many emerging platforms, it’s important that we deploy our IoT solutions in ways that leverage these new platforms without being reliant on them.”