Datto CEO: MSP Focus Is Driving Company Growth And Expansion


Are MSPs the core focus of Datto from a marketing standpoint, or just one of several focusses?

MSPs have always been Datto's focus.

When you first started, did you think of MSPs as a core focus?

I had no idea they existed. The MSPs called us. Very early on, I went out and sold the very early version of our product. It was literally a bunch of stuff with hot glue and Lego pieces and what not. And I got Engadget and Gizmodo and other tech blogs to write about it. And I started getting calls from MSPs about, 'Hey, do you have a channel program? Do you have a channel program? Hey, do you have a channel program?'

And then eventually, we were, like, 'Yeah, it opens tomorrow. Call back.' So we created this channel program, and ended really up building this great feedback group where MSPs would tell us what their needs and problems were, and we could iterate quickly to meet those needs.