5 Simple Ways To Win Business, From Marketing Guru Guy Kawasaki

Use Salient Points

"Use salient points when you introduce something to enchant [customers]" said Kawasaki.

Marketers sometimes use selling points that are unimportant to customers, such as highlighting how many gigabits are on a device compared to how many songs it can store, says Kawasaki. "People don't wake up thinking how many gigabits a device has. People are thinking in terms of the number of songs, movies, number of books," he said.

Another example is how the food industry displays the number of calories per serving in a bag of chips compared to saying how much energy a person will need to exert to work off those chips.

"You know how much better it would be for the world if you turned over a bag of chips and it said, 'If you eat this bag, you need to run 20 miles,'" he said. "Use the salient points that people want to know."