How Solution Providers Can Ease The Pain That Comes With BYOD

Inhibitors And Concerns

More than half of the survey respondents cited either security - selected by 39 percent - or employee privacy - 12 percent - as the biggest inhibitors of BYOD adoption.

The biggest security concern -- data loss or leakage -- was selected by an overwhelming 72 percent. Other security issues cited by more than half the survey field were: unauthorized access to company data and systems (56 percent), users downloading unsafe apps or content (54 percent) and malware (52 percent).

Executive resistance and IT complications are apparently not big issues, as only 4 percent cited “support cost concerns” as their top inhibitor and 3 percent selected “management opposition.”

The impact on solution providers? Be ready to acknowledge and address security concerns with clients, as well as privacy concerns from an organization with a lot of end points.