Get The Most Out Of Twitter, Facebook And LinkedIn

Q: How should a solution provider best utilize Facebook as a marketing tool?

HECKART: On Facebook I can entertain, but I shouldn't be selling on Facebook because people … on Facebook don't want to be sold to. They want to be educated, entertained – you're intercepting a conversation.

If I was a VAR, Facebook might be a good way for me to talk to my employees – future and past -- and create an employment brand.

Facebook may or may not be a good way for me to be communicating with my customers, and if it is, then it will be the [posting] of things that have context with what's happening in their consumer world. So my brand on Facebook might congratulate the Super Bowl world champions or if there's a conversation happening around a particular topic – positive or negative -- my brand on Facebook can make contextual context … on Facebook I can educate.