Keep An Eye On These 10 IoT Vendor Consortiums And Alliances

IPSO Alliance

The IPSO Alliance promotes the Internet Protocol for "smart object" communications, advocating for IP networked devices in health care, industrial and energy applications. IPSO was founded by companies including SAP, Cisco, Ericsson and Silber Spring Networks.

This group is not a standards organization, but an alliance that manages an IPSO Smart Object Registry that includes libraries and icons open to OEMs. IPSO "has the goal to create Smart Object definitions, instantiations, data models, design models, reference architectures, icons, and brand, which include all the attributes needed to be an integral component of an IoT Smart Object Marketplace," the alliance said.

Who It Impacts: IPSO is another alliance that wants to promote easier communications between various smart devices so solution providers connecting IoT devices should follow IPSO.