3 Things To Seek In A Quality Sales Manager

It's tempting to transform a top sales representative into a management role. Imagine the revenue growth if everyone modeled his or her behavior!

The reality is that your company's most aggressive performer from quarter to quarter isn't necessarily the best candidate to lead others to success on your collective behalf.

"I would stress that a sales leader should have the skills and experience as a successful salesperson, but not all successful sales people have the skills—nor do they necessarily have the desire—to be a successful sales manager," said Andy Bass, senior vice president of sales and marketing for Avanade North America. "The best sales managers are able to lead by example, and can often execute as a player-coach."

What are the secret ingredients? Here are three qualities that are top of mind for Bass and top executives at two other best-of-breed solution providers, Atrion Networking and Logicalis.