WOTC 2015: 3 Keys For Starting A Company In High Heels

Sandra Gault addressed the Xchange Women of The Channel East event in New York City on Wednesday.

Sandra Gault first thought of the idea to start her business, True Gault, while discussing how hard it is to walk in high heels with an associate at a social event in Miami: "Fashion should be made to fit you, not the other way around."

That initial idea was just what Gault calls a "butterfly moment," or an idea that could have gone nowhere. But now, True Gault is a business that scans women's feet using 3-D technology and uses those images to make high heels that fit comfortably to the exact size of the customer's foot.

Gault addressing the Xchange Women of The Channel East event in New York City on Wednesday, said there are specific skillsets and keys that women need in order to turn their businesses from that initial "butterfly" idea into an actual, sustainable business.