Security Tips For SMBs Are Opportunities For Solution Providers

In an interesting recent blog post, Aaron Tan runs down five IT security tips for small and medium-size businesses, and it seems appropriate to encourage solution providers to push these tips on their SMB customers.

The more knowledgeable your customers are, after all, the better it is for both of you.

Tan begins with an appropriate warning: small businesses are not immune from targeted cyber-attacks. In fact, Tan relays a statistic claiming that half of all targeted attacks were aimed at businesses with no more than 2,500 employees.Targeted attacks increased most among businesses with fewer than 250 employees.

Click here for Tan's blog. His advice is boiled down into five tips that sound like good information for SMBs and good selling opportunities for solution providers, including: know what information you have; secure your devices; train staff on security principles; back up your data; require employees to change passwords regularly.