Q&A: Ping Identity CEO On Why Partners Should Get On Board With Identity Security

Andre Durand, Ping Identity

What do you see as the opportunity for partners in the identity space?

Certainly, for the enterprises that treat identity as the foundation of security, there's a lot of architecture and solution engineering to occur by partners within the Global 5000 … There certainly is [a place for smaller resellers too]. The universe is pretty darn large here. I don't see that the large global [system integrators] are going to get to full market coverage there. Many companies are frankly starved for talent … Everywhere you look, people have challenges finding qualified individuals … There's a shortage of talent that can implement and maintain identity.

Where do you see the market going over the next couple of years?

I certainly see a tremendous amount of automation and intelligence streamlining what, today, are a lot of manual processes. I think mobility is going to enable a more real-time notion of access control, versus a static version of access control. [What I mean by that is] enabling people to access systems for shorter periods of time, where authorization is granted in real time … If an administrator wants to manage an email account, they won't have admin rights, they will be granted admin rights for a shorter period of time to do a task. I think identity becomes more real time. I think access control becomes more automated and more intelligent. I think that there will become identity services offerings that will allow enterprises to outsource identity in ways they can't do today … to partners and/or service providers. I would just call it a general maturation and professionalization of the whole platform of managing identity … It was definitely a very cottage and sleepy [industry], and now that's changing.