How Today's CIOs Can Become Top Talent Scouts

CIOs become talent scouts
CIOs become talent scouts

Today, CIOs fill a variety of roles, and one of the most important, according to a recent whitepaper, is talent scout.

While not all CIOs are used to this part of the job, they'd better find a way to get familiar with recruiting and hiring.

It's not easy, as explains: "Unemployment is low, and there’s an increasing need to find (or groom) business-savvy IT professionals who can handle customer-facing roles. Plus, there’s a shortage of skilled workers in hot technology areas."

In a recent survey, 56 percent of CIOs surveyed by said that they expect to experience IT skills shortages in the next 12 months.

Who can't they find? Data scientists, security professionals and mobile apps developers. They're all in short supply and command high salaries. Making the right hiring call is very important. But first, CIOs have to decide whether to cast a wide net, or get very specific when recruiting. Then, they've got to wade through the piles of resumes they're sure to receive.

And guess what? "There's no correct way to handle this process," says Kristen Lamoreaux, CEO of search firm Lamoreaux Search, which focuses on finding IT talent.