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ConnectWise To Release Platform Update 2015.3 On Thursday

ConnectWise will release the new version of its business management platform in ConnectWise 2015.3. The new version features new tools and enhancements to existing tools that make it easier to use, more efficient and more mobile.

Here's How Your Customers Think About Cloud Adoption

Questions, concerns and best practices that you'll need to be ready for if you're going to win business and outlive the competition in the coming cloud stampede.Via

Why Is Recurring Revenue So Crucial To Growth?

Solution providers depend more than ever on recurring revenue to grow their business. Companies detail how much of their business is based on recurring revenue, and why it's so important.

Pivotal Delivers Cloud Foundry To AWS

The popular open-source Platform-as-a-Service, now integrated with Amazon's cloud, is available as a hosted service for the first time.
