Kris Casariego's blog

5 Ways to Help Teams Be On Time to Meetings

Your customers have eliminated downloads, dial-in numbers and passcodes. They’ve sent free/busy polls to find the best time to meet. They’ve given their team mobile meeting apps with calendar alerts and push notifications. Still, they’re teams arrive late to online meetings, and they’ve heard all the worst late-for-meeting excuses. You’re doing a great job making sure they have all the right technology in place, and their workers are still late to meetings. What can you do to help? Share these tips and be your customers’ hero!

Exploring Conferencing and Collaboration Pain Points

Conferencing and collaboration expenses are one of an enterprise’s most volatile and difficult to predict, making accurate budgeting and forecasting practically impossible. Based on research conducted by AOTMP, optimizing telecom costs is the top telecom management activity for organizations this year, with a focus on conferencing expenses.

4 Tips for Selling SaaS Licenses for Easy Recurring Revenue

Running a successful channel organization requires keeping your skills sharpened in all areas of the business. Challenges arise from integrating evolving industry trends like migration to cloud, IoT, BYOD…everything from A to Z! And what about your sales approach? In the post below, Kris Casariego from PGi covers 4 tips on selling SaaS licenses that will take the mystery out of this lucrative approach.