Talk Back On LinkedIn: Who Do You Hire, And How Do You Hire Them?

You need skilled people, but you want to be sure you won't pay them more than you have to. How do you do that effectively? And what do you ask in the interview process to determine who the right hire is? Also, what's your most cringeworthy IT cliché? (There are a lot of them.) Vote in our poll on the ITBestOfBreed home page and drop in on our LinkedIn page to discuss your choice.

(Not a member of the IT Best of Breed LinkedIn group, please click here and sign up today!)

The Skills You Need At The Price You Can Afford

Salaries for IT professionals are up this year as some businesses - as well as channel partners - are sometimes finding it difficult to get the people with the right skill sets. Do you see this happening? How do you or others deal with it?

What Are Your Favorite Job Interview Questions?

In a tight market favoring the job seeker, you need to be very careful about who you hire. The interview process can make or break a candidate, so what questions do you like to ask to determine who the right fit would be?

IT Jargon We Loathe

Got an IT cliche that makes you absolutely, positively cringe when you hear or read it? Vote for your worst on! And drop in on our LinkedIn page and add your voice to

How Do You Market Your Organization For Tomorrow?

As the channel shifts toward the strategic service provider business model, do you need to realign your marketing department to communicate the message about your brand and help