4 Ways to Connect When Customers Are Drowning in Options

4 Ways to Connect When Customers Are Drowning in Options
A classic sales principle teaches us to give prospects a choice between one thing and something else rather than between something and nothing. That approach made perfect sense in decades past, but it becomes exponentially more complex considering the multiple “somethings” consumers can choose from in the modern business world.
There are too many options available today. Offering consumers a choice between only two or three options might seem restrictive, but most of us have so many options that we feel overwhelmed. Psychologist Barry Schwartz explored this concept extensively in his bestselling book "The Paradox of Choice." At a certain point, the flood of potential options becomes white noise. 
A confused customer buys nothing. Plus, a team of Swedish researchers found that customer confusion also kills brand loyalty. To close sales in the age of endless distractions, you must upset the status quo of customers and cut through the noise of our frenzied culture. 
How to Connect With Your Target Customer 
Considering how much information inundates the average consumer every day, it might seem impossible to break through the chaos by offering fewer choices. It is actually much easier than you might think. Modern companies must make true emotional connections with their target audiences to stand out, but many businesses still overdo it. Keep your sales process simple by focusing on four principles: 
1. Tell a Story
Everyone loves a good yarn. Find ways to use your product to tell the story of your brand. Above all else, make it conversational. Part of the problem is everyone hollering, “Look at me!” at potential customers. That approach leads to speaking at them instead of with them. 
When you make it conversational, you can paint a picture of how consumers overlap and interact with your product or service. You can create a narrative that shows them how your product or service might change their lives. Craft a story that offers a solution to a problem rather than one that tries to sell a product.
Apple is a great example of a company that tells a story instead of solely listing the benefits and features of its products. The strategy helps customers see themselves as owners of Apple products and enjoying life more because of the company's innovative technology. Its marketing delivers a layered, consistent, and compelling message that Apple products will make you happier. 
2. Be Consistent With Your Target Audience
Once you have started to tell your story, make sure you are delivering a consistent message across your touchpoints: your website, your social media, your customer service reps, your mission statement, and your sales team. Every element should say the same thing, with all sectors of your business embracing a consistent narrative. 
When your brand tells a consistent and compelling story, your sales team gains an edge when making calls. Many companies are so large that their brand message gets out of alignment, with their website saying one thing and their social media delivering a completely different message. The conversation ends up disjointed, broken, and misfiring with potential customers. 
Think of Walmart or Starbucks. Is each location different, or do they all look and feel similar? Customers are more satisfied and less stressed when they have a consistent experience. Starbucks delivers a consistent atmosphere and familiar layout when customers walk in the front doors, regardless of location. 
Think of your salesperson as the top of a marketing pyramid. Everything should back up whatever he or she is saying to potential clients. Consistency makes it easier for customers to understand your product or service, fosters trust, and removes the stress of trying to sort conflicting messages. 
3. Talk Less, Ask More
A sales conversation is like a date: Nobody wants to go out with someone who talks only about himself. Connect with your customers personally and professionally, learning everything you can about their goals and obstacles. What are they feeling? 
Upset the status quo by asking them directly about their concerns and obstacles. People will listen to you if they like you, but they will buy from you if they trust you. Asking good questions that demonstrate interest will help foster trust. You also might uncover information that will help you in the sales process, such as the true motivations of your customers or other people involved in purchasing decisions.
4. Establish Trust with Customers
Once you establish trust with customers, you form a personal connection that focuses on their individual needs. When a salesperson does more listening than talking, consumers open up and share their true desires. This opens the door to connect your product to the problem the consumer hopes to solve. 
Head to the nearest Chick-fil-A for a real-world demonstration of a client-centered experience built on a foundation of kindness. Customers enjoy the pleasant experiences when they dine in a Chick-fil-A, but the sales team also appreciates the consistent, friendly atmosphere. I have had the pleasure of training Chick-fil-A store operators and managers, and I can confirm that trust permeates every facet of the brand. 
Trust is the foundation of any healthy relationship and the key to great sales. A client-centered company makes work easier for your sales team, with fantastic client experiences serving as a driving force behind the culture of your brand. 
A Mutually Beneficial Relationship
The best thing you can do for your sales team is to shift from a transactional approach to a relational mindset. The modern sales process is not about offering consumers millions of options and trying to get as much money as possible; sales is about helping consumers solve a problem, fill a need, or live a fuller life. 
A sales process focused on creating an emotional connection and building trust reduces the pressure many sales professionals feel on a routine basis. Customers and salespeople can work together, trying to find a solution that works for everyone. When collaboration becomes to the goal of every sales interaction — regardless of whether it leads to a sale — your brand will be on the right track.
Michael Ray Newman is the president and CEO of ZZI. ZZI transforms businesses, changes lives, and trains people to be leaders. Michael has committed his life to helping others and inspiring employees with high energy and higher expectations. Follow ZZI on Facebook and Michael on Twitter.